
Xanthosoma saggitifolia


Based on the catalog of Powell's Gardens, where I bought it, this plant has been initially mis-identified as X.atrovirens, but I was told that it really is X. saggitifolia...

Other pages with this species:

This is one giant elephant ear - nearly 50 inches by 36 or so. It used to be smaller than my Alocasia macrorrhizos, but now has definitely outpaced it.
The cross-section of the petiole - very porous and light, yet able to hold the enormous leaves at a height of some 8-10 ft.
Myself, somewhere in Florida, in a grove of Xanthosomas...
In California's dry weather, Xanthosoma becomes dwarfish. This one, barely 3 feet tall, has decided it was mature enough to start flowering.
Closeup of the inflorescence (note also another one emerging to the right and below).
Another closeup of the actual flowers.

Other pages with this species:

All photos Copyright © 1995-1996 Krzysztof Kozminski

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