
Pinellia cordata N. E. Br.


I have received it from Roy Herold and somehow displaced the label and memory of having ever received it. But, thanx to the feedback from many members of the aroid-l list, this plant has been identified and reclassified on a proper page. The first person to identify it was Manfred Hammer. Thanx !!!!

To avoid premature dormancy, it should be kept in a cool spot, and it will re-bloom all summer.

I've been told that bulbils (at the base of the leaves and at the bottom of the petioles) and bulblets (offsets from the main tuber) form readily; now that I know where to look for them, the closeup photos will be forthcoming as soon as I see them. The bulbils (or are they tuberils?) will bloom in the second season, the bulblets (or tuberlets) should bloom in the first.

The variegated leaves are slightly less than inch wide and about 2.5-3 inches long. In a mature plant, they should exceed 6 inches in length.
The inflorescence is tiny, with extremely long protruding spadix. Its fragrance is very pleasant, resembling pineapple. Somewhat surprisingly, after the plant has apparently gone dormant for a few weeks, another inflorescence has emerged, with no leaves.

The information on this page has been compiled from my personal observations and e-mail received from Peter Boyce, and Roy Herold.

All photos Copyright © 1997 Krzysztof Kozminski

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